Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Time Has Finally Arrived!!!

Well, I went to the doctor today and Dr. Pennebaker scheduled me to be induced in the morning. YAY!!! I guess?! I am not really sure if I am excited about that or not. Don't get me wrong I am more than ready to have this baby and am very excited about the next step in our life. But being induced was something I was hoping I did not have to cross. She does not like for her patients to go past 40 weeks and well, I am there. This baby just is not ready and I guess my body is not either. I am still standing at 1cm and not thinning out. But oh well, We are gonna have this baby tomorrow that I have so long waited for. July 1st!!!! So, PLEASE PRAY for me and our baby!


Carey said...

Well, Kelly I found it!! Good stuff on here! I hope yall are doing well at home. I'll see you tomorrow when I bring you supper :) Call me if you need ANYTHING!

Shellie Tomlinson said...

We did-- we did-- we prayed and God answered, amen? She is flat out beautiful, just like her mama!